Dust, gas and chemistry in space

School of Mathematics and Physics, Queen's University Belfast
Bell Lecture Theatre
45 January 2007

Invited speakers

  • Eric Herbst, Ohio State University
    The role of surface chemistry in the formation of large interstellar molecules and the growth of grain mantles.

  • Klaus Pontoppidan, Caltech
    New results from ice mapping of water, CO, and CO2 in protostellar cores

  • Liv Hornekaer, Aarhus University
    H2 formation on dust grains under PDR and post-shock conditions.

  • Martin McCoustra, Heriot-Watt University
    Laboratory studies of desorption processes from model interstellar ices.

Meeting schedule (PDF, 48KB)

Contributed talks and poster papers were invited on any topic relating to the role that dust grains play in the chemistry of space, including the solar system and the interstellar medium.

A conference dinner was held on the evening of Thursday 4 January at a local restaurant.

A limited number of bursaries were available to assist the attendance of young scientists at the meeting.