High temperature astrochemistry
Centre for Astronomy
National University of Ireland Galway
7–8th January 2008
Invited speakers
Professor Mike Pilling, University of Leeds
Combustion chemistry and high temperature astrochemistryProfessor Jesus Martin-Pintado, DAMIR-IEM-CSIC, Madrid
Extragalactic astrochemistryProfessor Malcolm Walmsley, Arcetri, Florence
The gas-grain connection in molecular cloudsDr Serena Viti, University College London
Hot core astrochemistry
Topics included high mass star formation, shock chemistry, chemistry of evolved star atmospheres and extragalactic astrochemistry. Talks and poster papers of numerical, observational and laboratory results on any aspect of these topics were invited and reviewed by several speakers.
A limited number of bursaries were available to assist the attendance of young scientists at the meeting.
A conference dinner was held on the evening of Monday 7 January at a local restaurant. For those who arrived on the evening of Sunday 6 January, an informal gathering was arranged at a traditional Irish music pub.
The Marie Curie FP6 JETSET training school "High Performance Computing in Astrophysics", was held from 8–14 January, also at NUI Galway. The programmes of both meetings were arranged so that it was possible for anyone interested to attend both.